South Holyoke Homes – Master Plan
South Holyoke Homes is the culmination of decades of community advocacy to build housing around Carlos Vega Park, in the South Holyoke neighborhood of Holyoke, Massachusetts. The project envisions building new housing, with an emphasis on homeownership, on many long-standing vacant parcels.
The South Holyoke community has identified housing, and particularly home ownership opportunities, as important goals for their neighborhood. While the concept was around long before, it was formally identified in the 2008 South Holyoke Revitalization Strategy and directly incorporated in the 2012 Urban Renewal Plan (URP). The URP identified specific vacant parcels that would be appropriate for housing development in Area 8 of the plan. The Holyoke Redevelopment Authority, whose mission is to implement the Urban Renewal Plan, advanced the goals identified in the Urban Renewal Plan by acquiring the properties identified in the plan and selecting a developer of the project.
The Holyoke Housing Authority (HHA) is proud to serve as the developer of South Holyoke Homes, which has been conceptualized, based on community input as an affordable rental and homeownership project in South Holyoke.